Saturday, April 19, 2014

The 3 Month Mark

Well, we are now at the three month mark and still pressing onward and doing our best to live each day to its fullest. We want to convey our heartfelt thanks to all who have donated service and aid to our family. We are deeply grateful for everyone and we feel the love that is directed towards our family. We don’t know how we could have made it this far without so many helping hands. We cannot convey how much this has meant to us. With hearing about so much bad in the world, it’s great to see all of the good there is. When we were in need, there was and still is an outpouring of help. If I could give each person a heartfelt hug I would!

I am currently enrolled at the Davis Applied Technology Center (DATC) in the IT Department. A few weeks before I had Tenley, I quit my job to be a full-time stay-at-home Mom. I worked at a Tax Software company for seven years and had worked my way from a Support Agent to a Software Programmer. I found that I really like programming, but now I have experience with no schooling behind me. I have a Bachelor’s degree, but it is in Physical Education and Communication.So I am taking some courses at the DATC to prepare myself to take certification tests for certain programming codes. I am enjoying school and will finish my first class next week, a few days ahead of schedule!

Tenley is enjoying learning new things and loves playing with her cute, little friends whenever possible. First off, she is very shy, but when you get to know her and she is quite the little social butterfly who loves anything that is pink or sparkles.

Max had fun taking ice skating lessons. When we were done skating one night he wanted to climb on the big rock outside, like we have done a couple of times. There happened to be four other girls there and three were on top of the rock. I told Max to share the top of the rock and helped him up far enough so he could climb up the rest of the way himself. He sat next to the girls and then decided that he needed to get a little closer. He got a little closer and I guess he decided this girl was just super cute….she looked to be about 7 or 8 and Max is 5….so he scooted so close that all three of the girls on the top of the rock had to shift over to accommodate him. I told Max to share the top of the rock so the girls wouldn’t fall off. He started to scoot over to share, so the girl next to him started to scoot over. Max took the opportunity to smoothly put his arm around the girl and plant a kiss right on her cheek. I started laughing and had to put myself in check and tell him that kissing girls he just met wasn’t acceptable….while trying to keep a straight face. The girl didn’t dislike the kiss, she just looked at me like….uh what just happened. Priceless. I was hoping he would wait until 20 or so to be that interested in girls….looks like I might be in trouble. Where did he learn those moves? Probably from watching his Daddy. Haha. Max was lucky the little girl's dad wasn’t around…so funny! 

Our newest addition, and one of the kid’s favorite playmates, is our dog Karly. We love her!

Thanks again to all who have sent love and have prayed for our family. We love you!

The Wheeler family