Monday, January 19, 2015

One Year Angelversary

January 15, 2015 and January 19, 2015 mark the one year Angelversary for Spring Day Hubbard and Casey Ryan Wheeler.  We can’t believe a year has already gone by since your Spirit left your body for the Spirit World.  We love and miss you so much!

My awesome sister-in-law, Britney, made quilts to give to each child to commemorate the one year Angelversary.  These are not your ordinary quilts!  They were made with pieces of Spring’s and Casey’s clothing.  When the kids are missing Spring or Casey, they are able to take the quilt and wrap it around them like they are getting a warm hug.  The kids absolutely LOVE these quilts!!! Thank you so much Britney for donating your time and ability in creating these quilts.  We appreciate how much love was put into each one. :)

To read more about these quilts visit
The day I heard Kathy Wilson was getting a wig, because of her cancer treatments, I started growing my hair to donate in her name.  It has taken a while but I finally had enough hair to donate.  For the one year mark our little Rapunzel and I decided to donate our hair to cancer patients in loving memory of Kathy Wilson, Spring Hubbard and Casey Wheeler. 

                Kallee put together a 5K for Casey and Kathy (visit my June 2014 blog) and I thought it only fitting that she be the one to cut our hair.  Thank you so much Kallee!
Since the day they found Casey’s tumor I have been keeping a journal to share with Max and T when they get older.  They are so young and won’t remember a lot of what happened and I want to make sure I am able to share things with them when they get older.  There is a small portion of a journal entry I feel I need to share.
December 5, 2013 … a few weeks ago I was having a rough time and thought of the phrase, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”  I pondered this for a while and thought, Lord I am trying my best to make this lemonade.  I then thought yes I am still making lemonade, but it is a bit sour.  Lord I put my faith in thee and although sometimes my lemonade is sour, I will be more grateful when my lemonade is sweet.  It takes going through the bad days to fully enjoy and appreciate the good days when they are upon us. :)
The moral of the story is no matter what life throws at you, keep doing your very best.  The Lord knows we are going to make mistakes and he just asks us to do our best.  I believe that when our best is done he will provide someone to step in and help us where we are lagging. (I have learned that sometimes we need to be the one asking the other person for help! We need to listen to the Spirit to receive the help we need.)  So keep making your lemonade, no matter how sour it is….at least you are still moving forward!  We all have days when life gets us down and we don’t know what to do.  I have learned to recognize those days, as sometimes needed, and to be grateful for them along with our good days, because it does take living the sour days to recognize the sweet days.

Thanks to everyone for your kindness and love towards our family :)

Happy Angelversary Spring and Casey!  We love you :)