Tuesday, January 7, 2014


The first day of the alternative treatment was interesting since it's very different from the 'normal' modern medicine we are all used to. Casey did an ionic foot bath, salt foot bath, got his imprinter, used a special laser, took a nap on really cool mat thing, and used quartz crystals. He was so very tired when he was walking around that day and I was glad to be there to help. Once again he had a very good appetite and that made all of us happy. That night after he came home, ate dinner, and took medicine, he went straight to sleep and rested well until later the next morning.

Meanwhile, Amara and I went to the airport to pick up Casey's older brother Mark from the airport. Mark is a very wonderful man and he knows people who have used this type of treatment and even has one of the laser that was needed, which was great! Mark and Angie took Casey to the clinic for treatment and I heard nothing except how hard Casey was working to do what they asked and how much he Loved and Enjoyed having his brother there with him! Later that night when they all came home for dinner, a miracle happened.  As I walked down the staircase to greet them, I saw something so amazing that I stopped walking and stared. Casey was walking by himself through the door and into the house. He stopped and held his own, by himself and then continued to take a few more footsteps with out any assistance.  As the kids came into the living room running and playing with their newly made paper airplanes, one fell on the stairs next to where Casey was standing. With ease and not a second thought Casey bent down to his right side, picked up the paper airplane, and handed it to it waiting owner. It was a good sight to see, and we were all very excited for him and how much his treatment was already helping!!!  He even outreached his hands to take Baby T from Angie's arms, and with assistance, Angie helped him hold Tenley for a brief minute. That evening Mark flew back home.

Although Casey had been doing so good the previous day, he was exhausted the following morning and the decision was made to with hold him from treatment and give him a days rest. We also were noticing that since it was getting harder for him to swallow (we were now giving him his pills crushed up in applesauce), he seemed dehydrated.  Multiple attempts with different types of water bottles and straws were made, but he just couldn't get enough fluids into his body. As the day progressed he slept more and became less alert. I could hardly get him to open his eyes and respond to me when I tried to feed him his dinner and medicine. Eventually, with patience, he finished his food by opening his mouth slightly whenever I would touch the spoon to his lips. Since he had become so lethargic, when Amara and Angie got back from taking Max to the E.R. (he was misbehaving and had jumped into the tub, slipping and hitting his head) they returned to the E.R. with Casey.

He was admitted into the Nuro ICU and after a few days was transferred to a regular room in the Nuro wing.  Since Casey had thrown up when he was given strong antibiotics on an empty stomach, they would not let him consume any water or food until he passed a swallowing test.  He never passed it so he was only on an IV the entire 9 days that he was in the hospital there. There was talk about putting in a feeding tube, but it was just bad timing with us wanting to transfer him back home asap. During this time in the hospital we noticed Casey began to be less responsive when people would talk to him and he began gazing up at the ceiling for long periods of time like he didn't really know what was going on.  Doctors ran all kinds of tests but were not giving us any good answers since they did not have the type of specialist that Casey needed to look at the results. That's one of the reasons why it was so important to get him home! To actually figure out what was going on............

1 comment:

  1. That Casey is one tough guy! No wonder he's everyone's hero! :-)
