Saturday, January 11, 2014


Casey still has an iron grip of a hand hold that at times is actually rather hard to escape from. How someone can do that when they have been off an iv and feeding tube for 8 1/2 days is beyond my understanding! Nothing but medicines that have been diluted thin enough to easily pass through his feeding tube. His coloring is still good and the coughing seems to be less frequent and violent, which is good, because that's what seems to make him the most uneasy (plus, it just breaks your heart to see him trying so hard to just cough, something I most definitely take for granted. Those who have seen a situation like this will understand even better). Also, he seemed to be able to focus more on the person who was talking to him which was really nice to see and made you feel much more special to be by his side. Lots of times it seems as if he is just looking past you as more of a reflex than a controlled action.

My mom and I recently switched places staying in Morgan and she told me such a sweet story that happened last night. Casey's breathing had become very irregular making very long pauses before taking another short stretch of breathes. After this had been going on for a little bit Angie decided to lay next to Casey for some snuggle time, and he loved it! He calmed right down and his breathing soon became more regular and without as many deep breathes. Casey was able to sleep so much more soundly throughout the night giving them both a needed good nights rest. Love and comfort is a wonderful thing, this just goes to prove that.

Something else has come up the last few days while all kinds of us family members have been chatting.... The topic of the veil thinning between heaven and earth. I hadn't really given it much thought but I found it interesting and definitely something that could and should be happening. We are wondering if Casey is not only seeing us in the room but all the angels around awaiting his journey to heaven. And if that's the case, then oh how full those rooms must always be! I know that I have definitely felt like sometimes there has been extra help around. We wish we could know what he's thinking and see what he's seeing.

Thank you all for you endless love and all the support you have shown!! I also want you to know that the comfort you have given us all through your prayers is felt so much!!! Personally, I know there is no way I would be feeling this okay, or functioning this well without all of you! Thank you! And may you all be blessed for your service!


1 comment:

  1. We're all so grateful for your updates, Ruth, and your families' unending service to each other.
